Nothing Received?

If you have not received your items,please follow these steps:
1. Find out order status. 
You can log into your Hallowitch account to find out whether the order is shipped or not. If shipped, there is a tracking number in shipped order detail.
We also send email after order is shipped but it may be in your spam folder.
If you can not find any shipping information in your order or if you have not received any email, please contact us at
2. Track your order
Along with tracking number, we usually attach the tracking link as well. You will find the location of your package and know when to expect its arrival.
Exceptions and Solutions:
1. If the order is not shipped and you can not wait any longer, we will issue full refund.
2. Wrong Address
1)we write address incorrectly on shipping document.
Solution: We contact shipping service to change address. If it can not be done, we will issue full refund.
2)Customers left wrong shipping address when making the order
Solution: We contact shipping service to change address. If it can not be done, the package will be returned or abandoned. We are not able to refund.
Please help us call shipping service to facilitate the process when address is wrong.
3.Recipient not available.
If shipping companies can not deliver a package at the 1st time, they will try again and call. You can also call them too to arrange redelivery. If they can not get in touch with you and you are always not available, the package will be returned or abanadoned. 
If package is shipped by EMS, it will be kept at post office when you are away. Please collect it in 5 days.
We are not able to refund if package is not delivered because recipient is not available.